The Power of Storytelling in Presentations: A Guide to Captivate Your Audience.
The Power of Storytelling in Presentations: A Guide to Captivate Your Audience.

Storytelling is one of the vital presentation skills you ought to master these days to improve the delivery of your presentations. Learn more in this detailed guide.

Balanced Scorecard Guide and Presentations
Balanced Scorecard Guide and Presentations

What is a Balanced Scorecard and how do you present it to an executive audience ? We explain the basics of the framework and provide a list of templates.

The Employee Value Proposition (EVP) | Key Components and Examples
The Employee Value Proposition (EVP) | Key Components and Examples

Employee Value Proposition refers to how organizations are able to attract skilled employees in a competitive job market through the corporate culture, and benefits offered by them. In this article we explore what EVP is and how to formulate a strong EVP.

Game Plan PowerPoint Templates For Sports And Strategic Presentations
Game Plan PowerPoint Templates For Sports And Strategic Presentations

Game Plan Templates are an exclusive set of PPT templates that experts have designed to create sports and strategy-related presentations.

How to Make an Animated 3D Floor Plan Presentation in PowerPoint
How to Make an Animated 3D Floor Plan Presentation in PowerPoint

Unleash the potential of your real estate or housing projects by learning how to make animated 3d floor plan presentations in PowerPoint.

How to Add Transitions in PowerPoint
How to Add Transitions in PowerPoint

Prepare animated slides by learning how to add transitions in PowerPoint. Instructions for adding, removing, previewing, and adjusting effects to transitions.

Best Workplan Templates to Organize your Tasks
Best Workplan Templates to Organize your Tasks

Create Professional Work Plan Presentations with our suggested Work Plan Templates.

How To Prepare and Deliver a Business Case Presentation
How To Prepare and Deliver a Business Case Presentation

No matter how junior or senior an individual is in an organization, there will always be times when they need to convince others why they should fund them, choose them, or do anything else they want them to do. Sometimes an informal, but convincing, argument is enough. Often, it isn’t. Those are the times you’ll […]

Elevator Pitch Guide: The Essentials to Elevator Pitch Presentations
Elevator Pitch Guide: The Essentials to Elevator Pitch Presentations

In this article, we explain what an elevator pitch is and how to present one to strengthen your skills in delivering a successful elevator pitch for business.

Fishbone Diagram: Cause and Effect Analysis (Examples & Templates Included)
Fishbone Diagram: Cause and Effect Analysis (Examples & Templates Included)

Use Fishbone Diagram Analysis to discover the root cause of a problem, categorize it and define possible creative solutions.

Best Free Concept Map Templates For PowerPoint Presentations
Best Free Concept Map Templates For PowerPoint Presentations

Technical models and diagrams that depict the relationship between different concepts are often presented using concept maps. Making concept map diagrams isn’t that hard, especially if you have an excellent template to assist you. While there is no need to be all that extravagant when making a concept map, however, it should be at least […]

How to Embed a Youtube Video in PowerPoint
How to Embed a Youtube Video in PowerPoint

Give your presentations a dynamic performance thanks to embedding YouTube videos to them. In this article, we will explain 5 different methods to perform this task.