How To Use PowerPoint Icons to Boost your Presentation Visuals
How To Use PowerPoint Icons to Boost your Presentation Visuals

In this post, we are going to show some tips for presenters willing to improve their presentation look and feel by adding PowerPoint Icons. The advice is valid for updating existing presentations or designing new presentations from scratch. We want to start with the distinction between what is considered a PowerPoint Icon and its difference from […]

Present Your Tableau Analysis in PowerPoint
Present Your Tableau Analysis in PowerPoint

Presenting complex data in simple and understandable ways is one of the challenges presenters face when building their own Presentation Dashboards. That’s why, one of the many reasons why PowerPoint is as popular as it is, and that sets PowerPoint apart from its competitors, is the sheer availability of data visualization options that exist within […]

Top 10 Europe Maps PowerPoint Templates
Top 10 Europe Maps PowerPoint Templates

If you are looking to build any kind of presentation, including maps of Europe, we compiled a list of the top maps that will come in useful in any PowerPoint presentations.

Using Mind Maps To Share Ideas in PowerPoint Presentations
Using Mind Maps To Share Ideas in PowerPoint Presentations

Learn how Mind Maps are one of the most useful tools to brainstorm, ideate and use in presentations to understand complex ideas or concepts.

What is the Purpose of Microsoft PowerPoint?
What is the Purpose of Microsoft PowerPoint?

People who are new to using MS Office, might often come across the dilemma of understanding the purpose of Microsoft PowerPoint. If you have ever had to make a presentation, the chances are you have used PowerPoint. While there are a plethora of competitors like Apple’s Keynote, Prezi and various presentation web apps, however, PowerPoint […]

How to Print PowerPoint without Margins
How to Print PowerPoint without Margins

The documents printed in PowerPoint may wear an unwanted white border space or margin unless we configure the proper page size and scale options. In order to create borderless when exporting PowerPoint presentations to PDF format, you can follow the steps below. Here is a method to make borderless PDF presentations in your Mac by exporting your slides to images […]

How To Run PowerPoint Presentations Online
How To Run PowerPoint Presentations Online

UPDATE 2020: This post was adapted to the times of Coronavirus 2020, where online presentations are increasingly used in the business environment and becoming the norm. Nowadays, with more and more globalized companies, quarantine restrictions in many countries due to COVID19, working remotely through different time zones, through different continents and engaging customers from different […]

How To Add Custom Sticky Notes to PowerPoint Presentations
How To Add Custom Sticky Notes to PowerPoint Presentations

A sticky note is a small piece of paper with adherable strip of glue that you can use to attach notes to documents or any other surface such as a computer screen, a desk, a calendar, or even the fridge. Normally sticky notes can easily be removed and attached to any other surface and it was originally invented by 3M […]

How to Set Time Duration in PowerPoint Slides
How to Set Time Duration in PowerPoint Slides

Typically, presenters use mouse clicks, keys from a keyboard, or a remote to switch slides in PowerPoint. However, if you have your presentation well-timed or have to account for every second in a presentation due to time constraints, you should make sure that your slides are well-timed. This also applies if you want to run […]

How to Play a PowerPoint Slideshow on TV
How to Play a PowerPoint Slideshow on TV

PowerPoint presentations are often presented via projectors, where an individual can copy files to a computer which is connected to the projector in the hall. However, sometimes the projector is replaced with a large monitor or TV. There are many ways by which you can connect your computer or mobile device to a TV for […]

Working with Shapes to Create Custom Graphics in PowerPoint
Working with Shapes to Create Custom Graphics in PowerPoint

PowerPoint shapes are very powerful while creating PowerPoint presentations and templates. By working with PowerPoint shapes you have the opportunity to use objects that are very easy to edit. In this article we will explain how to create a very basic shape from a picture and make it editable so we can easily change the shape properties like color, shadows, 3D styles, etc. A […]

How to Edit a Gantt Chart PowerPoint Template
How to Edit a Gantt Chart PowerPoint Template

A Gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart frequently used in project management. It provides a graphical illustration of a schedule that helps to plan, coordinate, and track specific tasks and activities in a project. Our editable Gantt Chart PowerPoint templates let you make project planning presentations, task management or project management PowerPoint presentations by using pre-designed graphics […]