Some observations by economists, sociologists and philosophers have been remarkable in shaping the way people view the world. One such observation was by an Italian economist named Vilfredo Pareto. His observation regarding the wealth inequality in Italy led to the Pareto principle. This principle is also known as the 80/20 rule and explains something quite […]
Define an organization’s vision and mission statements with the help of this guide on Vision and Mission PowerPoint Templates.
Whether you are tasked to lead a small in-house project or take over a large, multi-people company-wide program, understanding how to plan and execute your project is integral for success. There’s a gap between making a decision and turning that decision into life, knowing what steps to perform, in what sequence and how different processes will drive (or stall) your project execution.
Performance Reviews are a valuable management practice to keep your talent motivated, focused in their growth and the organization objectives. Read our introductory guide to the performance review topic.
Understanding risk might be one of the most critical processes you can do to keep your business safe. In this blog post, you will learn about different kinds of risk and what tools to use to create analysis.
Psychological Biases are related to the way we process information and how we relate to others. In this post, you will learn more about how it affects you in business and personal environments.
Learning the basics of the brand essence wheel allows a deep understanding of the values behind a brand. In this blog post, we explore the intrinsic mysteries that lie behind building a brand with a simplified diagram in the best SlideModel way.
For a business to run successfully, it is important to have satisfied clients. It is not only the quality of the product or service that matters but how customers perceive a business and if the expectations of the customers are met. This all has a lot to do with what is called Customer Experience (CX). […]
Learn more about Kata, a lean management approach that is as interesting as japanese choreographed patterns and also as effective.
Read this article to understand the nuances of Behavioral Psychology and how it affects daily life, leadership, workplace behavior, and learning.
Active Listening is a strong skill to learn when you are a presenter, because it can not only connect you to your audience but also generate very positive rapport. Learn more in this blog post about how you can implement this in your presentations.
When creating a presentation, you are often faced with making a metaphor for your audience. The Hero´s Journey, even though it explains literally what a hero goes through to become admired, also stands as a metaphor for what we might face in life. In this article, learn more about this concept and how it can be applied to presentations.