Lean Startup Methodology PowerPoint Template – The Lean Startup Methodology is a procedural approach for creating and managing startups in order to deliver a value proposition to customers (product or service). The methodology is created to teach entrepreneurs how to drive their startups, from inception to growth.
The main motivation for the Lean Startup methodology is to make entrepreneurs show their product/services as early as possible to prospective customers in order to gauge interest before a big investment is done upfront. The Lean Startup Methodology preys to fail fast and fail cheap, in order to iterate (pivot) into a new cycle of design, develop and sell.
The main component of the Lean Startup methodology is the build-measure-learn feedback loop. Lean Startup Methodology PowerPoint Template provides animated slides with PowerPoint icons and Diagrams to describe how the organization will implement the loop.
The Lean Startup PowerPoint Diagram Consist of the Following Elements:
The Lean Startup Methodology PowerPoint Template provides PowerPoint Diagrams describing the inner loop and each of the transitions, providing placeholders for descriptions. The template is provided animated and static, depending on the user needs.
Ideal for Entrepreneurship lectures or to describe your startup methodology to an audience of VC’s, the Lean Startup Methodology PowerPoint Template will engage through its professional graphics.