Automation, analytics and big data are among the top of mind concerns for marketers these days. And it makes perfect sense as the volume of data has grown exponentially over the past several years and it becomes impossible to effectively deal with such volumes manually. In this article we present different marketing automation examples and explore how tools help improve the lead scoring process, boost customer retention and scale email marketing campaigns.
People don’t like to admit it; however, many people indeed learn skills not before but during a job. When labeled as an ‘expert’; people tend to shy away from admitting that they lack knowledge of certain aspects of their job. This is usually nothing to be shy about since changing trends, technology and consumer demands […]
The competition today, both in the product and services space, is tougher than ever. Superior UX (user experience) and CX (customer experience) are the two key battlefields with the most at stake. Should we still stay with the sales-led business growth model or pursue the newer product-led growth (PLG) paradigm? Let’s deep dive into the matter.
Customer centricity is a buzzword you can hardly escape these days. But, despite so much talk, few companies actually understand how to keep their customer focus sharp and, more importantly, why this area is worth more attention. So let’s dig into the matter and take a look at some great customer centricity examples, illustrating why this practice cannot be ignored in 2020.
People are promoted to management positions for a variety of reasons. For many, they rise to the top because of their knowledge, technical skills, and decision-making capabilities. As a manager, your effectiveness also strongly depends on your ability to communicate well with your team members and other stakeholders. Here is a quick guide on Interpersonal Communication for Managers.
Everyone should be paying more attention to the Direct to To Consumer (DTC) space as it’s booming and according to a study, two-thirds of customers expect to have direct connectivity with brands. There’s no denying that DTC is not only here to stay, but its growth will continue in the foreseeable future. So, how does the DTC business model work?
Did you know that about 28 billion man-hours are wasted each year because of what we now call context switching or multitasking? If you are finding that lack of focus and constant interruptions are affecting your work, then this post is for you. You’ll learn exactly what context switching and multitasking are and get some tips on how to overcome both of these productivity-breakers.
UPDATE 2020: This post was adapted to the times of Coronavirus 2020, where online presentations are increasingly used in the business environment and becoming the norm. Nowadays, with more and more globalized companies, quarantine restrictions in many countries due to COVID19, working remotely through different time zones, through different continents and engaging customers from different […]
Metaphors are one of the often-forgotten tricks among presenters. Along with other figures of speech such as similes, analogies personification, and alliteration, they make your texts more engaging, memorable and eloquent. As well, metaphors serve as a great tool for breaking down complex concepts into more digestible statements.
A sticky note is a small piece of paper with adherable strip of glue that you can use to attach notes to documents or any other surface such as a computer screen, a desk, a calendar, or even the fridge. Normally sticky notes can easily be removed and attached to any other surface and it was originally invented by 3M […]
For a consumer, economic decisions are based on certain types of behavior. Prospect Theory or the loss-aversion theory in behavioral economics and behavioral finance, aims to determine people’s decision making and their tendency for loss aversion.
One of the first things you learn at an economics course is that you should never take irrecoverable (sunk) costs into account when you need to decide upon present or future investments. But since humans are not the most rational beings, we often forget that basic rule and let the past “investment” distort our judgments. This cognitive tendency is known as “sunk cost fallacy” and it can massively undermine both your personal and business decision-making.