Force Field Analysis is a handy technique for decision making, which can help in determining the factors which may hinder achieving a goal and can also be used in decision making. Below is an overview of this decision making technique in detail.
What is a Force Field Analysis and When is it Used?
Force Field Analysis is quite influential in the field of social sciences and is used to analyze the forces in favor of and against change. Hence, it acts as a yardstick to determine factors required for achieving a goal or to identify hurdles. A Force Field Analysis can help you in two primary ways:
1. It can be used for deciding whether to pursue change (or not).
2. In can help in increasing chances of achieving desired goals by strengthening the forces in favor of change.

Practical Application of The Force Field Analysis?
With a Force Field Analysis you can develop an action plan for implementing change. For example, you can determine the following factors before making a decision:
- Identify whether a proposed changed may be able to acquire the required support.
- Identify hurdles in achieving your goals.
- Come up with solutions to tackle the forces against change and strengthen the ones which support it.
Which Forces to Consider?
The forces that are to be considered are divided in two categories, namely, Driving Forces and Restraining Forces. The below image shows a sample Force Field Analysis. As you can see, this analysis provides different driving and restraining forces for introducing new technology in an office environment. When considering forces for and against change, you may have to look into social factors such as the attitude and beliefs that affect people in question, as well as technical aspects like the pros and cons of implementing the change, be it technology related aspects or details related to the affects that the change may have on the performance of people. What forces are considered generally vary from goal to goal, however, we can generally summarize them as factors such as; resources, vested interests, relationships, trends and organizational structure that is to be analyzed for determining the strength of the forces For and Against change.

Making a Force Field Analysis Using PowerPoint Templates
One of the easiest methods of creating a Force Field Analysis is by using visually appealing PowerPoint Templates which can help you create an analysis not only for a presentation but also for brainstorming sessions, mind mapping and for making a printable Force Field Analysis for practical use.

Force Field Analysis PowerPoint Template
When making your Force Field Analysis you can add the forces for and against change using the various sample slides in this template or from any of our other editable force field analysis templates, which can help you create anything from a summary of your analysis to in-depth slides touching upon both the Driving and Restraining forces in detail.
Go to Download Force Field Analysis PowerPoint Template

Simple Force Field Analysis PowerPoint Template
As the name suggests, this is an easy to use template for making a Force Field analysis using simple, editable diagram slides which provide placeholders to help you create a Force Field Analysis in an easy to grasp format, using SmartArt like objects and an editable chart.
Go to Download Simple Force Field Analysis PowerPoint Template

I was just introduced to Force Field Analysis and was looking for a means to apply it right away. I found your site and like the images you have used better than most sites, but would like to offer a suggestion for an improvement that I hope that you can share back. I like the image you have with the two people pushing on the ball better than the other images of them pushing on the “wall.” The wall image bothered me as it seemed to be about “muscle” power. What if you take the ball image and shifted the angle (perspective) of each of the forces and then show the ball moving in a new direction by leveraging forces from both sides. Could you create a slide like that? That would be AWESOME!!!! Thanks for your time and consideration. Have a great day!!!!
Thanks for your comment. We have submitted a design request to our team with your suggestions.
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I personally use FFA to make simple decision in planning. Thanks for the article. You also have nice FFA template. 🙂
Thanks Rita.
We are going to publish a Force Field Analysis Template in our Free PowerPoint Templates Section.
Stay Tuned,
Thanks for your comments.