Powerful Words to Use in Presentations: Ultra Long List 
Powerful Words to Use in Presentations: Ultra Long List 

Creating an impactful presentation starts by using the correct words to impress and get the message across. In this blog post, you will learn more about the most powerful words you can use to do the most effective PowerPoint Presentations.

9 Presentation Styles of the Enneagram Model
9 Presentation Styles of the Enneagram Model

Enneagram is a model of the human psyche. It is used for explaining what is considered as the nine interconnected personality types. This model is widely used to study dominant behavior traits to better understand the abilities and weaknesses of an individual; in order to make the most out of one’s gifts and understanding the […]

Using the Zeigarnik Effect for Presenting Like a Pro
Using the Zeigarnik Effect for Presenting Like a Pro

Motivating yourself to complete a task using out of the box methods can be a great way of improving your performance. If you’re a presenter looking to rope in your audience with an intriguing speech or a killer presentation, you can learn a trick or two from the entertainment industry; which often uses compelling content […]

Which Presentation Style Suits You According to the Myers Briggs Test?
Which Presentation Style Suits You According to the Myers Briggs Test?

You might have heard of the Myers Briggs Test. There are numerous websites offering personality tests which place people in one of 16 personality archetypes described by Myers Briggs Type Indicator. This is based upon a system developed by Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers; the latter being the daughter of Katharine Cook. What […]

How to Overcome Procrastination & Deliver Amazing Presentations
How to Overcome Procrastination & Deliver Amazing Presentations

The pressure of delivering a presentation and making an impact on your audience can be overwhelming. One of the escapes that many presenters seek to overcome this stress is procrastination. As counterproductive as it might be, it appears that procrastination is the natural coping mechanism for many presenters looking to escape the idea of failure. […]

Building a Persuasive Argument with the Rhetorical Triangle Concept
Building a Persuasive Argument with the Rhetorical Triangle Concept

Building a persuasive argument can be difficult for many presenters. It is easy to get lost in translation if you’re not sure about what are you looking for. To make things easier, presenters can focus on three main aspects of building their argument using the Rhetorical Triangle Concept. Derived from Aristotle’s three rhetorical appeals, the […]

How to Use an Empathy Map to Understand Your Audience
How to Use an Empathy Map to Understand Your Audience

As a presenter, one can tend to focus too much on the final presentation, missing one essential ingredient in the mix, empathy! Many presenters can face the dilemma of not truly understanding their audience, ending up with a presentation which no one is interested in and some might even get offended by. To truly understand […]

How to Effectively use the 20/60/20 Rule for Your Audience
How to Effectively use the 20/60/20 Rule for Your Audience

As a presenter, you are looking to influence people and get your message across. However, a minority of individuals can sometimes ruin the prospects of a good presenter. It is not only essential to deliver a good presentation but it is also important to win hearts and minds during the process. This might mean that […]

How to Write an Effective Quarterly Business Review
How to Write an Effective Quarterly Business Review

If you are walking down the street to establish yourself as a business advisor, there are some aspects that you will have to pay attention to. The Quarterly Business Review is an important concept you would need to ponder upon. Let’s take a quick look at what these reviews are and their importance. What is […]

Quick Solutions to Help You Build a Compelling Presentation Deck in Under an Hour
Quick Solutions to Help You Build a Compelling Presentation Deck in Under an Hour

Introduction What would you do when you suddenly need to deliver a new PowerPoint presentation by the end of the day? Well, you can jump right in, run your presentation software and use brute force to build a deck from scratch. Or, you can work smarter by: Making a quick assessment of the presentation scenario […]

Using Circular Diagrams To Model A Process Cycle in PowerPoint
Using Circular Diagrams To Model A Process Cycle in PowerPoint

As important as Circular diagrams are, they aren’t the easiest to create. Trying to make a good looking circular flow diagram can take hours of work and even then it might seem crooked and less than perfect. This can leave you quite embarrassed, as your diagrams can be a make or break during presentations.