
Using Subtitles and Captioning in PowerPoint
Using Subtitles and Captioning in PowerPoint

Live Captions and Subtitles in PowerPoint is an AI-powered feature to automatically translate and display on-screen captions for one of more than 60 languages. Here we explore how it works.

Accessibility in Presentations: Making your Slides Accessible
Accessibility in Presentations: Making your Slides Accessible

This article offers a walkthrough of web content accessibility guidelines and PowerPoint accessibility features that will help you design and deliver more inclusive presentations.

Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace, the New Rule
Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace, the New Rule

In this article, we analyze the changes that all industries are going through in relation to diversity and inclusion and the positive consequences that come with it.

Employee Engagement: 6 Strategies That Work
Employee Engagement: 6 Strategies That Work

Employee engagement is challenging to get right, but expensive to get wrong. Lack of proactive care and attention towards your team directly impacts your company’s operational effectiveness. It’s time to get proactive with employee engagement. In this article, we will review some of the employee engagement strategies that work.