How to Make a Quiz on PowerPoint

Cover for How to Make a Quiz on PowerPoint

With a little creativity, you can make an engaging presentation by including an interactive quiz in PowerPoint. Quizzes can be a great engagement tool for different types of audiences. This might include an audience during a training session, pitch deck, or even a class lecture. One of the most convenient methods to make a quiz in PowerPoint is to use PowerPoint templates tailored for this purpose.

Why Use Quiz Slides in PowerPoint?

Before we show you how to make a presentation using quiz slides in PowerPoint, let’s take a look at some benefits of using interactive PowerPoint presentation quiz slides.

1. Enhance Engagement: Keep Your Audience Actively Involved

Interactive quizzes break the monotony of passive learning by encouraging participants to think, respond, and engage with the presenter. Whether used in corporate meetings, training sessions, class lectures, or webinars, quizzes turn presentations into two-way conversations rather than one-sided lectures. This approach keeps attendees focused and invested in the presentation topic.

2. Reinforce Learning: Improve Knowledge Retention

When employees or trainees participate in quizzes, they reinforce key concepts and enhance their understanding. Instead of simply reading or listening, they apply their knowledge, making the information more memorable and easier to retrieve when needed.

3. Encourage Participation: Make Presentation Sessions More Interactive

In professional settings, traditional PowerPoint presentations can often feel static. Presenters can create a more dynamic experience that invites discussion and collaboration by incorporating quizzes. Interactive elements make learning more engaging and fun, whether it’s a quick multiple-choice question, a true/false statement, or a scenario-based challenge.

4. Assess Understanding: Gauge the Effectiveness of Your Content

Quizzes are an excellent tool to measure how well your audience grasps the presented information. In corporate training, quiz results can highlight knowledge gaps, allowing trainers to adjust their approach or provide additional resources. This data-driven method ensures that employees absorb the information needed to perform their roles effectively.

5. Make the Audience Important: Engage the Audience to Make them Feel Valued

Presenters can often end up providing a lot of information to the audience while ignoring their value as participants. You can make the audience feel valued by engaging them in an interactive activity such as a quiz. This can also make it easier to get your message across by making information memorable. This is because when the audience is challenged to get an answer right, people can get more engaged and focus on the presentation. 

How to Make a Quiz on PowerPoint

Rather than starting from scratch, you can use PowerPoint templates to simplify the quiz-making process. Below are three recommended quiz PowerPoint templates and how to use them effectively for making different types of quizzes. These templates can not only be used with PowerPoint but also optimized to be used as Google Slides templates.

How to Make a True/False Quiz

A True/False quiz can be an engaging method to make the audience think and ponder over a topic instead of getting sidetracked by slides they might not be attentive to. You can create a True/False quiz using the Quiz Maker Slides Toolkit PowerPoint Template which provides numerous slides for making different kinds of quizzes.

Step 1 – Add a True/False Question: Edit the True/False quiz slide by adding a question on top, then replace the sample text to write True and False in respective placeholders. You can also customize these sections to add an additional narrative with the True and False boxes.

Customizing text in quiz PowerPoint slides
Editing text boxes in PowerPoint quiz slide

Step 2 – Duplicate Quiz Slide: Duplicate the quiz slide after adding the narrative. This slide will be customized for linking and animations to highlight the correct answer.

How to duplicate quiz slide
Duplicating slide in quiz PPT template

Step 3 – Give a Color to Each Shape: We highlighted the correct answer in color by giving a red color to the x mark and a Grey color to the wrong answer via Shape Format. For answers where True is the correct answer, you can use a color like green for the tick mark and grey for the x mark to emphasize the correct answer in the duplicate slide.

Step 4 – Animate Quiz Slide: Animate the duplicate quiz slide by highlighting the correct answer with an animation that stands out. In this example, we used the Blink animation for the correct answer via Animations -> More Emphasis Effects -> Blink.

Adding animation effects to quiz slides PPT
Animating quiz slides

Step 5 – Link Slides: Link the question slide with the duplicate slide revealing the correct answer. To do this, select the tick mark, go to Insert -> Link -> Insert Link, and select the duplicate slide. Do the same for the x mark so that both shapes are linked to the duplicate slide.

How to add hyperlinks to quiz slides
Inserting hyperlinks to quiz slides

Once you are done setting up the quiz slide, start your slideshow to test the quiz slide. Once you click the tick or x mark, it will reveal the next slide where the x mark will pop up and blink, showing it as the correct answer. You can follow this process to create True/False narratives in slides by using the sample slide in this template.

True and false quiz slide
Example of a True/False quiz slide

How to Make a Multiple Choice Quiz in PowerPoint

Multiple-choice questions are another great way to engage an audience. The 4 Options Multiple Choice PowerPoint Template delivers animated slides that can enable creating multiple choice questions in PowerPoint with ease.

Step 1 – Edit the Question Slide: To create a multiple-choice question with clickable answers, edit the opening slide with the question to set up the quiz. If you have any issues editing the text on the main slide, click an option and select Send to Back via the right-click context menu to make the box editable.

How to add a title to a quiz slide
Adding a title to a quiz slide

Step 2 – Edit Answer Slides: In the next step, edit the answer slides by placing the correct answer in option C and incorrect answers across other options. Do this for slides 1-5.

How to create a multiple choice quiz in PowerPoint
Customizing multiple choice quiz slide

Step 3 – Link Slides: You can ensure that your slides are clickable by linking the opening slide with the remaining four slides with correct answers. While the template comes with slides connected to the main slide, you can make edits to shuffle answers or to account for any missing links during the editing of the template.

To link slides, select an option on the main slide and link it to the corresponding answer on a respective slide via Insert -> Link -> Insert Link. For example, if C is the correct answer, link option B from Slide 1 to Slide 3, 2hich shows B in green as the correct answer. Similarly, connect A in slide 1 with slide 5, which shows A in red as a wrong answer.

Hyperlinks for multiple choice slides
Linking options in multiple-choice quiz slides

The below image shows the correct answer revealed in Slide Show mode once the question slide was clicked with option C, which, in this case, was the correct answer.

Example of a multiple-choice quiz slide

How to Make a Question and Answer Quiz Game in PowerPoint

To create a question-and-answer quiz game in the form of slides, you can use the Question & Answer Game PowerPoint Template, which comes with predefined animations and automatically linked slides, giving the slides a game-like outlook. 

Step 1 – Edit the Main Slide: Edit the main slide by entering a question and four options as potential answers.

Adding title to question and answer PowerPoint quiz
Title slide for question and answer quiz

Step 2 – Edit the Answer and Locked Slides: There are four more slides associated with the question, including slides that show the answer as locked and slide 5, which reveals the answer. You can add the answers to slide 5 and add associated text for slides 2-4 with text such as ‘Locked’ or a hint for the correct answer.

Writing answers in PowerPoint quiz slide
Customizing answers in PowerPoint quiz game

Step 3 – Test Game: Once you have added the text to all slides, run the slideshow to test the game. The screen will switch to a locked slide once an answer is clicked in Slide Show mode. Once clicked again, the answer slide will be shown on the screen to reveal the correct answer in green color. 

You can duplicate these 5 slides to create multiple questions for your quiz. All slides come automatically linked, so you must add relevant text to set up your game.

Question and Answer Quiz Game in PowerPoint
Example of a Question and Answer Quiz Game in PowerPoint

Final Words

Using the quiz PowerPoint templates listed above, you can answer questions like how to start a presentation and end a presentation using a quiz. You can also use these Survey PPT Templates to add surveys to your PowerPoint presentation. These templates provide simple layouts to help design slides that can be engaging and easy to follow. This ensures that the audience can feel involved with content likely to be memorable due to their direct involvement with the presenter.

Unlike passive information delivery, interactive elements create a dynamic learning environment that encourages audience participation. Quizzes spark curiosity, prompting attendees to actively think about the content rather than just aiming to absorb information. Meanwhile, the anticipation of answering correctly or the challenge of avoiding mistakes keeps participants focused and attentive. Additionally, interactive activities make the audience feel valued, fostering a sense of involvement and collaboration. By transforming a standard presentation into an engaging experience, quizzes and surveys help reinforce key messages, making the session more memorable and impactful.

Microsoft PowerPoint, Presentation Ideas
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