
Using Subtitles and Captioning in PowerPoint
Using Subtitles and Captioning in PowerPoint

Live Captions and Subtitles in PowerPoint is an AI-powered feature to automatically translate and display on-screen captions for one of more than 60 languages. Here we explore how it works.

A Quick Guide to Presenting an Online Master’s Thesis
A Quick Guide to Presenting an Online Master’s Thesis

A Master thesis is one of the most important career times, and can be the make it or break it of years of study. Learn more in this article on how to make it amazing.

How To Run PowerPoint Presentations Online
How To Run PowerPoint Presentations Online

UPDATE 2020: This post was adapted to the times of Coronavirus 2020, where online presentations are increasingly used in the business environment and becoming the norm. Nowadays, with more and more globalized companies, quarantine restrictions in many countries due to COVID19, working remotely through different time zones, through different continents and engaging customers from different […]