Customer Segments

What is a Business Model Canvas? Quick Guide + Examples
What is a Business Model Canvas? Quick Guide + Examples

A Business Model Canvas is a diagram used to visualize a business model. Learn how to make a Business Model Canvas with Examples.

How Customer Experience can Make Your Brand Successful
How Customer Experience can Make Your Brand Successful

For a business to run successfully, it is important to have satisfied clients. It is not only the quality of the product or service that matters but how customers perceive a business and if the expectations of the customers are met. This all has a lot to do with what is called Customer Experience (CX). […]

How to Do Market Segmentation The Right Way
How to Do Market Segmentation The Right Way

You may have a great product, top-notch go-to-market strategy and a bullet-proof sales campaign, and still fail to generate the revenues you expected. Why? Well, because you are trying to spray and pray approach – trying to appeal to everyone and hoping that someone will bite. In most cases, such campaigns end up appealing to […]