How to Add Speaker Notes in Google Slides

Cover for how to add speaker notes in Google Slides

Speaker notes during a presentation help the presenter view instructions without using cue cards or paper notes. The notes appear on the presenter’s screen, making it possible to view instructions while keeping them hidden from the audience. Adding and viewing Google Slides speaker notes is similar to PowerPoint, which we covered earlier in our speaker notes PowerPoint guide. Let’s take a look at how to add and view speaker notes in Google Slides.

How to use Speaker Notes in Google Slides

You can view or hide speaker notes when editing your Google Slides Templates by going to View > Show Speaker Notes. Alternatively, you can double-click the three dots at the bottom of a slide to open the speaker notes pane.

Accessing Speaker Notes in Google Slides

Once opened, you can begin typing speaker notes. Every slide has its own speaker notes, so you can add instructions for various slides to remember important details you need to mention during the presentation. This can also help you avoid cramming your slides with too many details and use the speaker notes as cues to discuss important information during your presentation.

Example of how to add Speaker Notes in Google Slides

How to See Speaker Notes while Presenting in Google Slides

Speaker notes in Google Slides can be viewed during a presentation by starting your slideshow in Presenter view. You can do this by expanding the Slideshow option via the arrow button. Select Presenter View to run the presentation with speaker notes (learn how to run Presenter View in Google Slides).

Accessing Presenter View in Google Slides

This will open speaker notes alongside your slideshow. The audience will not be able to see your speaker notes.

Example of how do Speaker Notes look like in Presenter View from Google Slides

Speaker notes have been a widely used feature in other presentation apps such as PowerPoint. Google Slides provides an easy enough method to use them seamlessly while presenting your slideshow. Speaker notes can help avoid missing important details during a presentation while making the presenter appear more confident before the audience. For more information, check our article about how to print speaker notes in Google Slides.

Google Slides, Presentation Tips
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