What is an Innovation Strategy and Why Your Company Needs One?
What is an Innovation Strategy and Why Your Company Needs One?

This post will provide you with some pillar information for shaping your innovative vision and layering the foundation of your new innovation and growth strategy development.

What is an Open Door Policy and Why Your Company May Need One
What is an Open Door Policy and Why Your Company May Need One

The Open Door Policy is the new wave into corporate communications, allowing every message to navigate up and down across the hierarchies.

Workplace Mentorship: A Guide for Leaders
Workplace Mentorship: A Guide for Leaders

Formal workplace mentorship can help formalize knowledge sharing and ensure a continuous flow of experience exchange between senior and junior staff.

Intrinsic Motivation: How to Foster It Among Employees
Intrinsic Motivation: How to Foster It Among Employees

Highly motivated and engaged employees equal corporate success. But how do you constantly keep your people driven around the common purpose? You create an environment where the employees’ motivation to do their best job comes from within them. In other words, you try to foster intrinsic motivation.

Using Critical Thinking to Achieve Business Goals
Using Critical Thinking to Achieve Business Goals

Human beings are prone to a number of cognitive biases. These biases can often result in clouding our judgment and hinder us from making good decisions. You can train your mind to make better decisions, including critical decisions at the workplace or for achieving business goals. In this article, we explore ways on how Critical Thinking can help to achieve your business goals.

Best SWOT Analysis Templates for PowerPoint (with SWOT Examples)
Best SWOT Analysis Templates for PowerPoint (with SWOT Examples)

Best SWOT Analysis Templates for PowerPoint
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When it comes to exploring the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for a business or venture, the best method is to construct a SWOT Analysis

Servant Leadership: Key Principles for Managers
Servant Leadership: Key Principles for Managers

Over the years, many different leadership theories tried to explain how someone wields power and rallies the people around them. In this article, we’ll review another type of leaders whose influence is gained via “software means”: the servant leader.

How to Use the Eisenhower Decision Matrix to Prioritize Tasks
How to Use the Eisenhower Decision Matrix to Prioritize Tasks

Prioritizing tasks and allocating the required time for each task requires timely decision making that is free of analysis paralysis and procrastination. Both the aforementioned are often a result of the inability of individuals to prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance. However, such prioritization is easier than most people think, especially if you use the Eisenhower Decision Matrix.

Retrospective in Scrum & Agile: A Quick Start Guide for Managers
Retrospective in Scrum & Agile: A Quick Start Guide for Managers

A retrospective is a solid method for regularly analyzing your process efficacy and taking corrective action before the project gets off track. In this article, we explore the main principles and methods of Agile Retrospective.