Storytelling Theme PowerPoint Template

Storytelling Theme PowerPoint Template – This template provides a theme based on the storytelling structure, applied to creating compelling messages. The process consists of understanding the story elements, and brainstorm with tams in order to create a storyboard ready for a message.

In the context of business, Storytelling is gaining a great traction in Marketing. With the over communication era, consumers are over-exposed to different messages, and traditional marketing communications are showing a decay in attention, retention, engagement and fidelity. Today’s consumers are prone to engage with Stories and not only with brands. This marketing trend has triggered several studies under academia and entrepreneurial environments, trying to reach customers in a more attractive and lean approach. Applying traditional storytelling design to new marketing messages, digital marketers have identified that consumers relate much closely with the marketed asset.

Storytelling is a chaining of events in words, sound or images. Stories have been the main cultural communication mean for entertainment, education,cultural preservation and values. The main elements of stories are plot, characters and the narrative. The Storytelling Theme PowerPoint Template provides five slides that allows the presenter to summarize the results of the storyboard design and the storytelling script.

The presenter can describe the Story created for the Ad or Marketing Campaign in the following sequence:

  1. Story summary : cover slide: executive summary of the story.
  2. Storyboard: Three main drawings of the script that represent the start, plot and ending of the story.
  3. Storyboard: Main Scenes. Describe the main scenes of the story , their objective and how they chain.
  4. Characters: Describe each character and their importance in the story.
  5. Plot: It is important to describe the connection between the story and the consumer. The story need to be understood and need to engage. At the end of the storytelling process, a written story/script should be publishable.

Impress your audience describing the Storytelling process and outcomes from your creative team with our Storytelling Theme PowerPoint Template.

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Details (5 slides)

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