Professional Curriculum Vitae PowerPoint Template

Professional Curriculum Vitae PowerPoint Template – Create professional presentation to show employee profiles with style.

A Curriculum Vitae (also known as a CV) is a written description of a person experience and qualifications. It is generally used for job opportunities or academia. In most industries the CV is the first element for candidate screening, generally followed by an interview.

In the last decades the traditional Curriculum Vitae of tenths of pages, that described the complete career history of a candidate has been evolving into more meaningful story related CV’s. Where there is no need of extreme detail, but yes a professional summarization of career history, a slide About Me, achievements, skills and challenges to overcome.

The Professional Curriculum Vitae PowerPoint Template is a modern version of business CV’s, adapted for a quick overview and highlights of a possible candidate. Nowadays, recruiting processes tend to give higher weight to interviews and workshops, rather than volume of content in the CV. But it is important for identifying creativity and professionalism, to provide a valid summary, in a professional layout that allows recruiters have a clear picture of a candidate profile, without the need of tedious reading.

Impress in your next job with this powerful curriculum vitae template that engages executives audiences.

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