Internal vs External Factors SWOT PowerPoint Template

Are you seeking a creative SWOT analysis template to discuss the internal and external factors affecting your company? Then, we have designed this Internal vs External Factors SWOT PowerPoint Template for you. This creative template has a layout that helps professionals discuss the internal SWOT factors (strengths & weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities & threats). Discussing them separately is essential to deal with them effectively, i.e., if team members know more about their strengths and weaknesses and how their surroundings will impact in the form of opportunities and threats, then it would be easy for them to make better strategies or informed decisions. SWOT analysis also helps HR and project management teams properly allocate responsibilities and develop executable plans for teams.

There are four editable slides in this Internal vs External Factors SWOT PowerPoint Template. All slides have a four-quadrant structure with two additional boxes on the left part of the slide. These are to indicate the internal and external factors separately; they carry bold color fill and white text. The four quadrants have a colored bold alphabet according to the specific factor, a label for mentioning the title, and an infographic icon. In the body of these boxes, presenters can mention the relevant details and add their presentation points in an arranged way. The icons chosen for each SWOT factor are meaningful: a Markhor for strengths, an open door for opportunities, a cyclon for threats, and a spider net for threats. The first slide shows all sections with proper colors. In contrast, the following slides highlight the two rows (internal and external factors). Presenters can create impactful presentations using this effect. 

The last slide of the template is an alternate design with a different color scheme to showcase the SWOT analysis details. However, professionals can modify the color and font settings according to their theme requirements. Download and try it now! Also, check our collection of SWOT analysis PowerPoint templates and our article about personal SWOT analysis.

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Details (4 slides)

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