How to Convert PowerPoint Presentations to Google Slides

How to convert PowerPoint presentations to Google Slides

A frequently asked question is how to convert PowerPoint presentations to Google Slides. The reason behind that is Microsoft moving to a subscription model for its Microsoft Office suite, making it harder to buy a lifetime offline version to use apps like PowerPoint. The annual subscription model has not been welcomed by all users, and many have moved away to free alternatives like Google Slides to avoid the hefty yearly price tag. For users looking to transition from PowerPoint to Google Slides, there are a few easy methods they can use to convert PowerPoint presentations to Google Slides.

How to Convert a PowerPoint to Google Slides

Convert and Save a File in a Google Drive Folder using Google Slides

Many users have various PowerPoint presentations in bulk that they wish to upload and organize in Google Drive. They can do this by creating folders and uploading PowerPoint presentations to them. Simply go to your Google Drive account, and create or select a folder. Select New > File Upload to start uploading your presentation files.

Uploading a PowerPoint file to convert a PowerPoint presentation to Google Slides
How to convert a PowerPoint file to Google Slides presentation

You can select a PowerPoint file directly from your device and even upload multiple files in batch.

Uploading file procedure from PowerPoint to Google Slides
Converting a PowerPoint file to Google Slides presentation

Once your presentation file is uploaded, select Open with > Google Slides via right-click menu.

Opening a ppt file in Google Slides to convert it to a Google Slides presentation
How to convert a PowerPoint file to Google Slides presentation

It might take a few minutes before the app can convert a PPTX or PPT to Google Slides to render and make the file ready for use.

Rendering a pptx file in Google Slides
Converting a .pptx file to Google Slides

While Google Slides provides many features native to PowerPoint, there are always some features that are different or not supported once the files are opened in Google Slides. If that is the case, you will get a prompt from Google Slides about unsupported features.

The appearance of a pptx file in Google Slides - Example of PowerPoint presentation imported into Google Slides
Example of PowerPoint presentation imported into Google Slides

You can preview what changes need to be made to adjust effects and features not supported by Google Slides (if any) from the View details option.

Limitations of Google Slides for converting a PowerPoint Presentation - PowerPoint to Google Slides conversion - some features are not available
PowerPoint to Google Slides conversion – some features are not available

To convert a PowerPoint file uploaded to Google Slides, go to File > Save as Google Slides.

Saving a presentation to Google Slides after conversion
Saving a .pptx file as Google Slides presentation

The Save as Google Slides option opens the file with a version that completely converts it to Google Slides.

Import PowerPoint Slides to Google Slides

To directly open a file from the Google Slides app, open a blank presentation.

Opening a blank slide deck in Google Slides - Importing PowerPoint Slides to Google Slides
Importing PowerPoint Slides to Google Slides

Go to File > Import Slides to select specific slides or to upload a complete deck. Select File > Open to upload PowerPoint to Google Slides.

To import specific slides, pick the ones you want in your presentation deck and click Import slides

Importing selected slides from PowerPoint to Google Slides
Import slides from a PowerPoint presentation into Google Slides

This will upload the PPT or PPTX to Google Slides.

Note: If the file contains features not supported by Google Slides, you will get a prompt to view the features that cannot be saved. Go to File > Save as Google Slides to convert PowerPoint to Google Slides. This will turn PowerPoint into Google Slides.

Editing a PPT presentation in Google Slides - Self introduction slide example
Example Self Introduction Slide Template for Google Slides

To save the file to a specific folder, select the file in Google Drive and click Move to.

The Move To option in Google Slides

This will allow you to select a folder to move your presentation deck. Click Move to move the file. You can also select multiple files and move them to a specific folder in bulk.

Moving a converted PowerPoint presentation file to a folder

After conversion, the different versions of presentation files can be identified with noticeably unique icons in Google Drive. The following image shows the same file in the PowerPoint version (left) and Google Slides version (right).

A comparison between original and converted pptx files to Google Slides

When converting PowerPoint to Google Slides, it’s best to be mindful of where your files are located and organize them in Google Drive folders for easy access. There will inevitably be features that Google Slides will not support for some PowerPoint files. In that case, it should be ensured that there are no broken elements and necessary changes are made to slides to retain the cohesiveness of uploaded PowerPoint presentations.

Google Slides, Presentation Ideas, Presentation Tips
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