Download the 5-Step Horizontal Circles Process Diagram PowerPoint Template to present your stepwise processes and sequential concepts. The process diagrams are crafted to meet the needs of our users who struggle with creating catchy designs to showcase their unique ideas to their audiences. We simplify this process by making 100% editable text boxes, shapes, and graphical elements in these templates. Similarly, this 5-step horizontal circles diagram has a professional yet engaging layout to showcase process steps, key discussion points, business ideas, and more. In addition to corporate, this PPT template can be helpful for students, medical professionals, and tech professionals to craft their presentations in a go. It can be easily personalized by adding the company logo, watermarks, and presenters’ details on the slides.
Our 5-Step Horizontal Circles Process Diagram PowerPoint Template has a blue theme that is entirely changeable based on the requirements. This diagram has a horizontal queue of circular shapes with originating rectangular shapes. These shapes originate in an alternate pattern, i.e., one shape has a rectangle on the upper side, and the other has a rectangle on its lower side. It created a wavy pattern of the diagram. The circles are colored purple in gradient, and they carry numbers.
In contrast, the rectangles have text boxes for adding titles and meaningful infographic icons. Some additional text boxes are also provided to mention necessary details on the slide. The first slide of this template has a completely colored diagram, while the others have a spotlight effect and carry colored segments one by one. This gradual appearance of the colorful diagram on the screen can impact the audience’s attention and keep them well engaged. Presenters from any field can customize this presentation template and get prepared for their meetings and sessions. Download and give it a try!