Word Cloud

Using Word Clouds in Presentations (to Increase Audience Engagement)
Using Word Clouds in Presentations (to Increase Audience Engagement)

Did you know that our eyes are the most powerful medium for processing information? We need far less time to extract meaning from an image, than from a piece of text. Arguably, that’s the main reason why everyone loves a good PowerPoint presentation. It breaks down the key information in an easy-to-digest manner and complements […]

Powerful Words to Use in Presentations: Ultra Long List 
Powerful Words to Use in Presentations: Ultra Long List 

Creating an impactful presentation starts by using the correct words to impress and get the message across. In this blog post, you will learn more about the most powerful words you can use to do the most effective PowerPoint Presentations.

Generate Tag Clouds for PowerPoint Presentations
Generate Tag Clouds for PowerPoint Presentations

This article explains how to generate simple tag clouds that you can use in your own presentations. Accordingly to Wikipedia, a tag cloud is a visual representation for text data, typically used to depict keyword metadata on websites, or to visualize free form text […] this format is useful for quickly perceiving the most prominent terms and […]