You might need to use math equations in a Google Slides presentation. In such a case, you might find it difficult to create complex equations unless you know how to incorporate special characters in slides. For example, educational presentations, especially those related to mathematics, might require adding complex equations to explain various key concepts. Anyone familiar with PowerPoint knows that PowerPoint templates can be easily edited by adding mathematical equations. Just like PowerPoint, you can edit your custom presentation designs and Google Slides templates by inserting equations.
How to Insert Equations into Google Slides
Select or Insert a Placeholder
Before inserting an equation in Google Slides, select a placeholder so that the Special characters option becomes available. If you don’t have a placeholder in your slide, add a text box via Insert -> Text box. Google Slides uses LaTeX formatting, providing various options for equations in Google Slides.

Method 1: Type an Equation in Google Slides
One of the easiest methods for adding an equation to Google Slides is simply typing it. This will work for most basic equations. For example, you can enter the rights of digits and basic math symbols from your keyboard to add an equation.

Method 2: Insert Special Characters in Google Slides
Since you cannot insert complex symbols from your keyboard, you can use special characters to create math equations in Google Slides. To do this, select a placeholder and go to Insert -> Special Characters.

In the next step, select Math or Math Alphanumeric category to insert math symbols in your slide. From the menu that appears, you will be able to find math symbols by scrolling, searching, and drawing symbols.

Scroll and Insert Math Symbols to Google Slides
You can scroll and click to insert various math and alphanumeric math symbols in Google Slides using the Special Characters menu.

Search and Add math Symbols to Google Slides
Another method to add math symbols is to search and add math symbols using the search bar in the Special Characters dialog box. This can be helpful in quickly finding relevant symbols to create equations rather than scrolling through a long list of math symbols.

Draw to Find Math Symbols in Google Slides
Using the drawing area in the Special Characters dialog box, you can quickly find a math symbol and click to insert it into your slide. This can be particularly helpful when you don’t remember the name of the symbol or wish to quickly locate and add a symbol without going through a menu or typing symbol names.

The image below shows a math equation that was added to Google Slides. By using special characters and typing in an equation, you can create simple to complex math equations. Sometimes. You might want both to save time, i.e., type in basic digits and use special characters to insert symbols unavailable on your keyboard.

Method 3: Insert Math Equations in Google Slides using Add-ons
By using third-party add-ons, you can easily insert math equations into Google Slides, especially in the form of high-resolution images.

There are different add-ons that you can use to insert math equations in Google Slides, including the premium MathType add-on, which is quite handy for adding complex equations. Select an add-on from the Google Workspace Marketplace and grant your Google account access to proceed. In this example, we will use the MathType add-on for Google Slides.

To add math equations, go to Extensions -> MathType to launch the add-on. This is a premium add-on that comes with a 30-day free trial.

Once the add-on is launched, you can use the various tabs to add symbols and insert equations to Google Slides. You can quickly add a symbol and type along the given box to create complex math equations. For example, after adding a square root symbol, you can type in an equation and click Insert to generate a math equation. Alternatively, you can use the options in the tabs to create the equation.

Below is an example of a math equation generated for Google Slides using the MathType add-on. You can edit the added equation further by using drag and drop to resize it. Equations created using MathType are added as images in Google Slides.

Using Superscript and Subscript for Math Symbols in Google Slides
It is pretty likely that you would want to use superscripts or subscripts when designing math equations. While characters with subscripts and superscripts are also available as special characters in Google Slides, you can use these options by selecting a character and going to the Format tab.

To convert a character to superscript or subscript, select it and go to Format -> Text-> Superscript/Subscript. Alternatively, select the required text and use the CTRL/Command+. To convert text to Superscript and CTRL/Command+, to convert text to Subscript.

By converting text to subscript or superscript, you can quickly create math equations.

Customizing Math Equations in Google Slides
When adding equations to Google Slides, you can customize them in different ways by adjusting the size, color, and by adding additional shapes to create your complete equation. Below are a few tips for customizing math equations in Google Slides.
Changing the Equation Size
By using the font options, you can increase or decrease the equation size. This can help make the equation easy for your audience to view.

Stylize Math Equation in Google Slides
To change the colors of the equation, use the font color option. Additionally, you can use various other tools to adjust the font type, make the font bold, italic, underline text, add a fill color, etc.

For additional options, you can access Format Options via the right-click menu. These options can be used to adjust the size, position, fitting, as well as used for adding a drop shadow, reflection, and Alt text.

Creating Rational Equations in Google Slides
To create rational equations for representing fractions or divisions, you can add lines to generate your equations. To add a line, go to Insert -> Line -> Line and draw the line to create a fraction.

To make adjustments, select the line type and size from the toolbar. The line can be drawn and placed within the slide using drag-and-drop.

The image below shows an example of a fraction created by drawing a line between two paragraphs representing a mathematical equation.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can you insert math equations in Google Slides?
Yes, you can manually insert math equations in Google Slides or use special characters such as math or alphanumeric math symbols.
Can you create fractions in Google Slides?
Yes, fractions can be created in Google Slides by using special characters, adding them to the equation, and inserting a line to represent a fraction.
Can you create complex equations in Google Slides?
Yes, Google Slides provides various options for creating basic and complex equations, including mathematical symbols.
How can I access special characters to insert math symbols in Google Slides?
To insert math symbols using special characters, go to Insert -> Special Characters and select Math or Math Alphanumeric from the given menu.
Can I customize an equation in Google Slides?
Yes, math equations can be customized in Google Slides using the toolbar options or via Format Options from the right-click menu.
What type of customizations can I use with math equations in Google Slides?
Google Slides provides a wide array of customization options to manage the look of math equations. These include the ability to change the size, font, font color, fill color, and position, as well as to add alt text, reflection, shadow, etc.
Can you add equations in Google Slides using add-ons?
Different add-ons can be used for Google Slides to insert and create images for math equations. These include MathType, Better Math Equations, and Auto-LaTeX Equations.
Do math equations remain intact in slideshow mode in Google Slides?
Yes, math equations added to Google Slides remain intact when displayed in Slideshow mode.
Can you copy math equations from other software to Google Slides?
There is no guarantee that math equations copied from other software applications will show as intended in Google Slides. Some math equation generators might not be compatible with Google Slides, and certain characters might not appear properly. Therefore, using native features or supported add-ons might be the best way to generate math equations in Google Slides.
Final Words
For whatever reason, you may need to add math equations; Google Slides comes with a wide range of options for adding, customizing, and presenting simple to complex equations. If you are looking to add a basic or advanced Google Slides equation, there are a variety of options that you can use. This includes manually typing basic equations, using superscripts and subscripts, using a line to create fractions, and using LaTeX-powered special characters that can be used to create any type of complex math equation. There are also third-party add-ons like MathType that can make creating complex equations easy in Google Slides.