How to Use Google Slides Strikethrough Text

Cover for How to Use Google Slides Strikethrough Text

Striking out text to show something that is incorrect or during the review of presentation slides is a common practice. The strikethrough text shows that something is incorrect and requires being discarded or replaced by crossing it with a line. You can use Google Slides strikethrough using the format tab or a simple hotkey.

Reasons for using Strikethrough Text in Google Slides

Strikethrough text can be beneficial for presentations, including Google Slides presentations, for a number of reasons. You might need to strike out text to edit slides, track changes, manage tasks, emphasize change, use humor or sarcasm, prioritize tasks, or showcase a sale or discount.

Editing Slides: Striking out text can be used when editing slides for revision to point out corrections that might need to be made to a slide deck. 

Tracking Changes: Crossed-out text can also be a way to track changes when collaborating with other users on a presentation or sharing a version with someone where you want to highlight the changes you have made or want to make to the presentation.

Task Management: Striking out text is commonly done in task management when certain completed tasks are crossed in the list. When making a presentation showing different completed tasks or milestones for a project, strikethrough can be used to format text for emphasis.

Emphasizing Change: Crossed-out text can emphasize change in several ways. For example, it can show revised decisions, outdated information, and completed tasks.

Humor and Sarcasm: Strikethrough text formatting can be used to add humor or sarcasm to your slides. This might include showing irony or crossing out things that must not be said due to some reason.

Prioritization: Crossed-out text can also help show what needs to be prioritized compared to what is less important, discarded, or outdated and needs replacement

Sales and Marketing Presentations: Strikethrough text is commonly used in sales and marketing-related presentations to show a product or service’s new, discounted rates. The crossed-out text can be quite attention-grabbing, making it possible to attract the audience towards the discount. This technique is also commonly used for online ads, websites, and physical outlets of a business, as well as advertisements done via billboards, banners, posters, brochures, etc.

How to Strikethrough on Google Slides

Whether you are using PowerPoint templates, Google Slides templates, or working on a slide deck using a blank layout, you can strikethrough text by highlighting it and striking it out via the Strikethrough option via the Format tab. To get started, select the text you wish to strikeout.

Selecting text for Google Slides Strikethrough
Selecting text to apply Strikethrough

Once the required text has been selected, go to Format -> Text -> Strikethrough. Alternatively, you can use the Alt+SHIFT+5 hotkey to strike out selected text on Windows or Linux or Command+Shift+X on Mac.

Strikethrough text option in Format Menu
Locating the option for Strikethrough in Google Slides via the Format Menu

This will strike out the text with a line. You can undo the crossed-out text at any time by using Strikeout via the Format tab again or by using the hotkey for your operating system.

Result of strike through on Google Slides
The final result of strike-through text in Google Slides

How to Customize Strikethrough Text Formatting in Google Slides

Text that is struck out in Google Slides can be formatted both before and after you strike it out, and there are various methods to emphasize or stylize the text. 

You can strikethrough text formatting in Google Slides by stylizing the text to be struck out. For example, you can change the color and formatting of the text to make it stand out. When reviewing slides, this might also be emphasized so the presentation recipient knows which areas to omit when creating a final version. 

You can customize the text using various options from the Google Slides menu bar, such as changing the color of the text that is to be struck out.

Recoloring text in Google Slides
Highlight text for recolor

Once you have stylized the text, you can strike it out using the Format menu or the hotkey combination for your respective operating system (as explained earlier).

Adding the Strikethrough effect on Google Slides
Adding the Strikethrough effect on Google Slides

Below is an example of strikethrough text formatting in red color.

Colored strikethrough text
Colored strikethrough text

You can also stylize the strikeout text by formatting it using Format Options, available from the Google Slides menu bar or via the right-click context menu.

Locating Format Options
Locating Format Options

Text formatting options include the ability to adjust the size of the text, rotation options, text fitting settings, drop shadow, and reflection.

Adding a reflection effect to strikethrough on Google Slides
Adding a reflection effect to strikethrough on Google Slides

How to use Strikethrough Text on Google Slides for Mobile

Since the interface of mobile apps is slightly different from the desktop version of Google Slides, you will find the Strikethrough text formatting option via a slightly different menu. To strike out text on Google Slides for mobile, follow the instructions given below:

Step 1: Open the slide you wish to edit and double-tap to select the text to strike out.

Step 2: If the Strikethrough option isn’t visible, tap on the A option that will appear on your screen.

Step 3: Tap the S icon to strike out selected text on your Google Slides mobile app.
The below image shows the process of striking out text using the Google Slides mobile app. For this example, we used the Google Slides app for Android to demonstrate the Strikethrough text process. Depending on the mobile device and Google Slides mobile app you are using, you might need to use the A menu to reveal the Strikethrough option, which, like the desktop version, has an icon with a crossed-out S. This option will appear like this S on your Google Slides menu, regardless of whether you’re using the desktop version or mobile app to edit your slides.

Workflow for Google Slides strikethrough text via Mobile app
Workflow for Google Slides strikethrough text via Mobile app

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How to apply strikethrough using the Google Slides menu?

To strikethrough selected text on Google Slides, go to Format -> Text -> Strikethrough via the Google Slides menu.

2. Is there a keyboard shortcut for strikethrough text in Google Slides?

Yes, you can use the Alt+SHIFT+5 hotkey on Windows or Command+Shift+X on Mac.

3. Is there a way to undo strikethrough formatting for text in Google Slides?

Yes, you can undo strikethrough formatting in Google Slides by selecting the crossed-out text and going to Format -> Text -> Strikethrough. Alternatively, you can use the  Alt+SHIFT+5 hotkey on Windows or Linux or the Command+Shift+X on Mac.

4. Does strikethrough text retain the color of the text?

Yes, the strikethrough line will appear in the original color of the text by default. For example, if the text is black, the strikethrough line will also be black, whereas if the text has another color, such as red, the strikethrough line will be red.

5. Is strikethrough formatting exportable in Google Slides?

Yes, the strikethrough formatting will be retained when exporting slides. You can export slides with this formatting in various document and image formats via File -> Download.

6. Is strikethrough text formatting present when presenting slides?

Yes, the striked-out text will be visible in Slideshow mode on Google Slides.

7. Are there extensive formatting options specifically available for strikethrough text in Google Slides?

No, Google Slides does not provide extensive formatting options specifically for strikethrough text. However, you can change the color of the text and format it, such as by adding a drop shadow or reflection, which will also be reflected upon the strikethrough text.

8. Can text be crossed out for emphasis in Google Slides?

By using Strikethrough text formatting, you can cross out text in Google Slides for emphasis.

9. Can I use Strikethrough text in Google Slides to show lists or complete tasks?

Yes, Strikethrough text can be used in Google Slides to show list items or tasks that are complete, discarded, or outdated.

10. Can Slides with Strikethrough text be saved as PDF?

Yes, you can save the slides with text crossed out by exporting them in PDF format via File -> Download -> PDF.

Final Words

The Strikethrough text formatting feature in Google Slides, like PowerPoint, enables striking out text to show text that is incorrect, discarded, outdated, needs revision, or for tracking changes. This can help emphasize errors and can also be used when reviewing slides to point out corrections.

While Google Slides does not provide extensive options to stylize and customize the text that is struck out, you can recolor and stylize the text before or after striking it out to give it a unique look. This is because the strikethrough line retains the text’s original formatting, including the color and effects added to the text.

The options on the mobile version of Google Slides are slightly different from the desktop version. However, the Strikethrough text features are the same for the mobile version as compared to the desktop or browser-based version. Depending on your mobile device, you might need to use the A option to reveal the Strikethrough option using a mobile app for Google Slides.

Google Slides, Presentation Tips
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